Don’t Wish It Were Easier, Wish You Were Better

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“Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better,” is a profound source of wisdom and it can be a guiding principle for amateur youth and high school wrestlers looking to excel in their craft. Wrestling is a sport that demands dedication, perseverance, and unwavering determination. It’s not for the faint of heart, and success in the wrestling world is never handed to you on a silver platter. 

The Pursuit of Excellence

The desire for an easier path is a common human instinct. We all wish that life’s challenges were less daunting and the road to success less steep. However, in wrestling, as in life, the key to achieving greatness lies not in wishing for a lighter burden but in developing the strength to carry a heavy one.

Embracing the Grind

Wrestlers are no strangers to the grind. Hours of rigorous training, endless drills, and countless setbacks are all part of the journey. Instead of wishing for shortcuts or for your opponents to be weaker, channel your energy into becoming the best version of yourself. Understand that it’s the grind itself that forges you into a formidable wrestler.

Setting Meaningful Goals

To get better, you need direction. Set specific and meaningful goals for your wrestling journey. These could be improving your takedowns, increasing your stamina, or perfecting your escapes. By focusing on incremental improvements, you’ll find yourself growing not just as a wrestler but as an individual.

Learning from Defeats

Wrestling teaches valuable life lessons, and one of them is resilience in the face of defeat. Losses are opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow. Instead of dwelling on the wish that you hadn’t faced a tough opponent, wish that you were better prepared for the challenge and use that experience to become a stronger wrestler.

The Power of Discipline

Discipline is the cornerstone of success in wrestling. It’s the ability to stick to your training regimen, diet, and recovery plan even when it’s difficult. Rather than seeking an easier way out, embrace the discipline required to excel in this demanding sport.

Support and Mentors

Remember that you don’t have to navigate your wrestling journey alone. Coaches, teammates, and mentors can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights. Seek out those who can help you become better and learn from their experiences.

In the world of wrestling, and in life, the path to success is rarely easy. Instead of wishing for an effortless journey, embrace the challenges and use them as stepping stones to become a better wrestler and a better person. As you continue your wrestling journey, always keep in mind the powerful mantra, “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.” This mindset will not only lead to success on the mat but will also prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead in life.

So, remember that the journey you’re on is not about finding shortcuts or making things easier; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself. Embrace the grind, set meaningful goals, learn from defeats, and let discipline and support guide you on your path to wrestling excellence.

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